The last of the nine uses of tractors in rural areas surprised me

In the 1990s and the early 21st century in rural areas, tractors are standard equipment for rural families. A tractor is just an ordinary means of transportation in the eyes of urban people, but in the hands of rural people, it has been fully utilized and played its greatest role.
1. Substitute transportation.
This is the basic function of tractors as a means of transportation. Farmers go to the market and visit relatives no longer need to ride or walk. If the distance is a little longer, they will basically choose to drive tractors.
2. Cultivated land.
After the tractor is hung with a farming machine, you can go down to the ground to plough and loosen the soil, which is very awesome. If there is no tractor and it depends entirely on human and animal power, one mu of land often needs to work all day. The emergence of tractors has made it a reality to cultivate dozens of acres a day. Every time when farming is busy, anyone with a tractor will be particularly popular.
3. Sowing.
The principle is the same as that of arable land. Tractors are like locomotives. Many expansion tools can be hung behind them. Tractors only need to provide strong power. With tractors, teenagers at home like to work in the fields, because they only need to drive tractors. However, the elders at home don't trust their children to do it when sowing, and often follow or do it by themselves, because the planting is directly related to the harvest of this year.
4. Transport grain and straw.
Loading a truck into the back of the tractor will become a tractor we often see. You can load the corn cobs or wheat ears harvested in the field into the truck and pull them home for reprocessing, or you can load the straw in the field into the truck and sell it at the place where the straw is recycled.
5. Water the ground by pumping water.
Although there is water in many rural areas, there is no power station, so we have to use tractors to drive water pumps to water the land.
6. Grind grain.
After wheat, sorghum, millet and other straw are collected, the seeds inside must be pressed out with a roller. Traditionally, animals are used to bring stone rollers. With a tractor, only one person needs to drive the tractor and fill straw on it, and the grain processing of more than ten acres of land can be completed quickly.
7. Visit relatives.
During the Spring Festival, when visiting relatives from afar, they drive tractors. In winter, they will put straw and mattresses in the tractor bucket if they are afraid of the cold. Listening to the sudden sound, the family is on the road happily.
8. Pulling bricks and other chores.
Tractors don't need to stop during the slack season. Farmers with tractors often find some nearby transportation work to do, such as pulling bricks and building materials. They charge very low prices, and many factories are willing to use them. However, because the rear bucket is easy to spill and it is not safe on the road, such vehicles can not be seen in the urban area now.
9. Turn into an excavator.
The potential of the tractor is infinite. The tractor and the arm of an excavator turn into a small excavator. Digging trenches must be more than enough.

The last of the nine uses of tractors in rural areas surprised me 2022-07-21 15:46:03 This article is read 284 second
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